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Transform your child’s health and future

The online companion program to Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy has the latest protocols Christian Yordanov uses in his clinical work helping parents with autistic children.

Enroll now to get instant access and accelerate your child’s journey to thriving health and wellness.

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Save yourself the stress, research, and trial-and-error

Since publishing Autism Wellbeing Plan book in 2020, I’ve worked with very complex and challenging cases of nonverbal autism, developmental delays, severe gastrointestinal issues, hyperactivity, and self-injurious behaviour.

I’ve seen what works and how we can create real lasting positive impact in my clients’ children.

This companion program contains the protocols I use to help my clients improve their children’s digestive function, sleep, nutritional status, cognitive development, immune system function, and other aspects of health and development. All for a fraction of the cost of one-to-one consulting.

In addition, you will get my parents stress-reduction supplement protocol which will do wonders for your stress levels, mood, and sleep if you implement it. You have no idea what you are missing, I guarantee you this will be a game-changer for your stress, anxiety, and sleep issues (of which I know you probably have plenty). 

Invest the help you need now.

Client Testimonial

“Christian has been such a valuable resource and enormous aid. Before working with him, I felt hopeless and beyond stressed trying to solve my toddler’s constant constipation. Since working with Christian, and following his protocols, the constipation issue has dramatically improved. To say I’m thankful would be an understatement.

Not only is Christian incredibly knowledgeable, he genuinely cares about helping people overcome their health issues. He invests so much time and energy into pinpointing exactly what works and what doesn’t work for someone. He’s so easy and comfortable to talk to. He doesn’t treat you as just another client, but as a friend.

I have learned so much from him over the past year. He’s a human encyclopedia when it comes to health and how the body should optimally function. I know that if any other health problems arise, he will be my first point of contact. It is clear his calling in life is to help others. His steadfast dedication is truly inspiring.”

– Linda, USA

You’re in the right place if:

  • Your child is diagnosed with autism OR you suspect they are on the spectrum.
  • You’re stressed and unsure of how exactly to help your child.
  • Your child has constipation and/or other gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  • Your child’s sleep is disrupted (and yours is too).
  • Your child gets sick often.
  • The “health”-care system is offering you little-to-no help.
  • You need someone knowledgeable and experienced to guide you on your journey.
kid learning

Client Testimonial

“Christian was very informative during our appointments; often explaining the rationale behind his recommendations which was educational. His advice helped my son improve his sleep and digestive issues within the first month. His protocols also covered environmental factors which covered our home / bedroom to optimise for sleeping. I was able to ask questions outside the appointments to quickly resolve any concerns and get clarifications. His response were prompt and I was very satisfied.”

– Michael, UK

Do you want actionable information to:

✔ Create a truly nourishing diet plan for your child

✔ Resolve constipation and other digestive dysfunction

✔ Help your child (and yourself) sleep more soundly

✔ Reduce your stress and anxiety

✔ Boost your child’s cognitive development

✔ Enhance your child’s immune function

✔ Run lab tests that will help you uncover imbalances and healing opportunities 

✔ Reduce the myriad toxic exposures around the home

✔ And much more

Client Testimonial

“My toddler was having severe constipation and digestive issues and was extremely limited in what he would eat. Christian recommended a stool test to discover any gut dysbiosis so we could begin healing. We found some markers that were alarming and began repair immediately with a quality probiotic that was gradually introduced, as well as biofilm disruptors to help purge gut waste from foreign bodies.

A year later, my son has had significant improvement in bowel movements and now wants to try new foods! Christian rescued this little one from a lifetime of suffering. I have so many positive things to say on how he approaches healing and how thankful I am for the improvement in my little one.”

– Sophia, USA

What the research says…

If you have read Autism Wellbeing Plan, you already know that autistic children often suffer from a combination of the following:

  • Gastrointestinal problems (e.g. constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, reflux, maldigestion, leaky gut)
  • Gut infections and/or overgrowths (e.g. parasites, bacterial, or fungal)
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Sleep problems
  • Nutrient deficiencies or imbalances
  • Impaired immune function
  • Heavy metal and/or chemical toxicity

Most parents are not aware that nearly all of the above have been shown by researchers to correlate with autism severity.

In other words, studies have shown health problems such as gut issues, bacterial infections, nutrient imbalances, heavy metal and chemical toxicity, and immune dysfunction to be associated with an increase in autistic symptoms.

Now for the good news…

As I cite in my book, studies like the one below clearly show that improving autistic children’s health and nutritional status results in tremendous benefits: 

“The positive results of this study suggest that a comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention is effective at improving nutritional status, non-verbal IQ, autism symptoms, and other symptoms in most individuals with ASD.

adams comprehsaive 12 month

So what are we waiting for? These children need help now. The sooner we start taking action, the sooner the their health and lives can be transformed for the better.

In addition, as has been my clinical experience, the healthier my clients’ children get, the happier, less-stressed, and calmer the parents become.

The benefits are numerous and priceless. 

Time is precious.

The help you need is here.

You just need to take the next step.

Client Testimonial

“Christian is incredibly knowledgeable and thorough, taking the time to discuss every detail of your health concerns. His genuine care and passion for natural healing shine through. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to heal naturally and improve their well-being.”

– Jen, USA (We resolved her daughter’s sleep issues, nose bleeds, and allergies during the three months we worked together.)

Get Started

All three options include the Core Program, which includes all the constipation and gut healing, sleep, diet, and other protocols, courses, and resources.

If you need personalised help or would like to run lab tests, you can select the Case Review or 1-to-1 Support options as you prefer.


Get started immediately

✔ Instant access to core program (12 months)
✔ Optimal diet guidelines
✔ Links to the exact AFFORDABLE supplements Christian uses with clients (with discounts)
✔ Basic daily supplement protocol
✔ Constipation protocol
✔ Gut cleansing and re-balancing protocol
✔ Gut health maintenance protocol
✔ Sleep improvement protocol
✔ Anxiety Protocol
✔ Cognitive function enhancement protocol
✔ Immune-boosting protocol
✔ Resources to help you reduce toxic exposures from indoor air, water, food, and personal care products
✔ COURSE: Selecting High-Quality Nutrient Supplements For Your Child
✔ COURSE: The Healthy Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet
✔ COURSE: Common Health Challenges in Autism
✘ Intake session (75-min) and case analysis
✘ Can order lab tests as needed
✘ Lab tests analysis & recommendations
✘ Follow-up consultations
✘ Chat support for minor questions and clarifications
Enroll Now

Case review session and option to order lab tests

✔ Instant access to Core Program (12 months)
✔ Everything included in Core Program
✔ Intake session (75-min) and case analysis
✔ Personalised recommendations based on intake session
✔ Help with ordering lab tests
✔ Lab test results analysis and protocol recommendations
✘ Discounted lab test orders
✘ Follow-up consultations
✘ Chat support for minor questions and clarifications
Enroll Now
1-TO-1 SUPPORT $2497

Intake, case review, option to order lab tests, and follow-up sessions

✔ Instant access to core program (12 months)
✔ Everything included in Core Program
✔ Intake session (75-min) and case analysis
✔ Personalised recommendations based on intake session
✔ 4 x 45-min follow-up consultations to be used during the 12 months
✔ Help with ordering lab tests
✔ Discounted lab test orders
✔ Lab test results analysis and protocol recommendations
✔ Chat support for minor questions and clarifications between sessions
Enroll Now

Client Testimonial

“After our son’s autism diagnosis, Christian was the first person who pointed us in the right direction. I can’t thank him enough for this! All doctors we have seen didn’t want to look deeper into the issues our son had. He had terrible digestive problems right from his early days. He was extremely selective with food and could survive only on gallons of milk, bread, and biscuits. Christian advised on the diet change and just some simple vitamins to start with. He explained the importance of a healthy diet that will nurture his body and help to heal his damaged gut.

We followed up with some tests that confirmed that our son had dysbiosis and some harmful bacteria in his gut. We found out that his body is slow to detox and is extremely sensitive. With the right tests, we were able to set some goals and create a protocol we were implementing thought the year. After changing in diet and right supplementation our son started to grow faster, he became a more energetic and healthy-looking boy. We have noticed positive improvements in his behavior and his eating habits are improving with time. All our family switched to a different diet which was a huge effort both emotionally and financially, but this was the best decision we have made for our family. We only see the positive impact this had on everyone’s health. Without any hesitation, I recommend Christian to anyone who is tired of treating symptoms and want to get rid of the real cause!“

– Emma, Ireland

Confused about supplements?

Get my free video course on how to select high-quality nutrient supplements for your child.​

Learn how to dodge the over-priced and over-hyped junk, and save money and time with this concise course.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How old must my child be to reap the benefits of the program?

    I have worked with clients with children between the ages of 2 and 17, and the protocols are designed with that in mind.

    Are the supplements expensive?

    No, I have spent hundreds of hours scouring the internet for products that are high-quality AND affordable. In fact, you will probably save a lot of time and money by using the products I recommend because there is a lot of over-hyped pricey junk out there, and many parents have fallen for it. In addition, I mainly use iHerb for supplement recommendations, which means you will get the best price and fast delivery to almost anywhere in the world. You will also get additional discounts with my code AHF7140 or link:

    How long will I have access to the program resources?

    You will have access for 13 months from date of purchase. I add the extra month grace period as a courtesy, so don’t wait “until the right” time. There is no “right” time, other than now. Enrol now and start taking action to help your family thrive.

    Do I need to have the Autism Wellbeing Plan book to follow the program?

    No! While the book has a lot research and details, the online program has all the resources and up-to-date protocols you need. Of course, reading the book will help to better your understanding, so it’s still highly recommended.

    What if there is a conflict in the recommendations in the book and the online program?

    For any minor differences in the recommendation, always assume that the online program has the most up-to-date recommendations and follow those.

    I want to work with you one-to-one. Do you still offer this?

    Yes, the 1-to-1 Support package above will allow you to get personalised support.

    How much does the lab testing cost?

    If you purchase the 1-to-1 Support package:

    • GI-MAP stool pathogen test + video interpretation/recommendations: $475
    • Organic acids test (OAT) + video interpretation/recommendations: $375
    • Other tests are available upon request. 

    If you purchase the Case Review package:

    • GI-MAP stool pathogen test + video interpretation/recommendations: $550
    • Organic acids test (OAT) + video interpretation/recommendations: $450
    • Other tests are available upon request.

    I purchased the Core Program but now I want to do the lab tests. How do I proceed?

    You will need to purchase an Intake Session and Case Review: $350

    Thereafter, lab test costs are as per the Case Review package:

    • GI-MAP stool pathogen test + video interpretation/recommendations: $550
    • Organic acids test (OAT) + video interpretation/recommendations: $450
    • Other tests are available upon request.

    What is your refund policy?

    Due to the digital nature of the products, there are no refunds. However, I am 100% confident that you will be glad you made this investment. The benefits you will reap from the protocols are in effect priceless. 

    Client Testimonial

    “A child’s health is one of the primary concerns of any parent. However, understanding the underlying issues and the latest science behind them is an onerous task. Throw autism into the mix – a condition that is not yet fully understood even by experts – and suddenly a parent is thrust into a wild frontier of conflicting theories and research.

    Since getting to know Christian and having read his book, a lot of the key concepts and principles have been made clear and the information frontier is not as scary as it first appeared. With his help, I was able to understand the holistic approach to diet and nutrition, and, more importantly, be able to test and measure the relevant biomarkers involved. This has helped me address specific issues in my son’s health and put other concerns to rest.

    Christian’s integrity and genuine desire to do good are evident in every interaction. Coupled with the body of knowledge that he continues to expand, I would highly recommend him to anyone who wishes to integrate the methods of modern medicine into their lives and start addressing the causes instead of the symptoms.“

    – Stephen, Spain